
Empty beach chair sitting on a beautiful Queensland beach
8 July 2021

COVID-19 has deprived Queenslanders of almost 4.7 million holidays, according to a study by University of Queensland academics.

This figure includes more than 2.4 million domestic vacations and 2.2 million international trips.

said the lost holidays had several serious repercussions for those involved.

“Apart from the economic losses of these forsaken trips, which are well known, the biggest cost is to the mental health of Queensland residents,” Professor McKercher said.

“More than half of the people we talked to identified the mental health benefits of escape – recharging one’s batteries, simply having a break from day-to-day lives, or being able to spend time with family and friends – as the greatest benefit of travel.”

“I need it to relieve a stressful lifestyle,” one respondent said.

While another said “seeing new places and experiencing new things keeps life interesting, helps keep the mind stimulated and fights off depressive episodes.”

Professor McKercher and colleagues and surveyed more than 800 Queensland residents over the age of 25 during May and early June this year.

Participants were asked about their travel patterns during 2019, 2020 and so far in 2021; how many trips were cancelled, postponed or are unlikely to be taken in anticipation of a COVID lockdown.

“We found domestically, some 800,000 trips within Queensland were lost thanks to the pandemic,” Professor McKercher said.

“Another 1.7 million trips elsewhere in the country were either cancelled or postponed with little chance of being taken.”

The research revealed Asian destinations suffered the most internationally, with some 750,000 trips by Queenslanders to those destinations put on hold, followed by half a million visits to Europe. 

New Zealand was also affected with 330,000 trips cancelled, with 75 per cent of people planning holidays there in recent times forced to change their plans due COVID.

Professor McKercher said the study showed it was vital for both people’s emotional well-being and economic reasons to get back to the new normal as soon as possible.

“Our results show just how important the ‘soft’ benefits of tourism are to individuals, and in fact, the personal benefits of travel may equal and possibly outweigh the economic benefits.”

Media: Professor Bob McKercher, r.mckercher@uq.edu.au, +61 (0)452 412 881.